Samantha Bentley – Twistys

I’m a novice again and I’m picking out girls to post just because I like the way they look, not how many other guys want to see her, but I figure I’m pretty ordinary and I’m bound to have similar tastes in hot women as the average guy.

Looking through a large list of thumbnails I came across Samantha Bentley, never heard of her, but that’s my own fault for not keeping up on models, not necessarily her own level of fame.

Samantha Bentley
Samantha Bentley


I think the reasons for picking her out is obvious, but ultimately I liked that sexy smirk she was giving.  Too many models look like a deer caught in the headlights.  Samantha Bentley actually looks like she just enjoys nudity, sex, pornography.  Don’t get me wrong, there’s something appealing about the flip-side of a girl being shy and doing it anyway, but sometimes just refreshing to see someone that enjoys it.

Here’s a video gallery of that photo shoot above:  Video Gallery

One thing about Twistys, they have really pretty looking Dildos.  Granted if I were a woman I would use anything to get off, but gotta admit, if I wanted to feel like a pretty pretty princess I would find out the company that makes those and buy one.

I wanted to know a little more about Samantha Bentley and sure enough she has a blog:

First things first, her blog makes me feel bad that I’ve put so little effort into this blog, but hey, I’ve just started again and I need to build up my consistency before I worry about being pretty.  See this is the pretty dildo vs. finding whatever you have that will fit.

Anyway, she’s kinda got goth black hair now and reading a little more about her, my first impression of her being comfortable doing porn is accurate.  Check out her blog, there’s lots more galleries and content there and you get a better feel for why she named her blog BadBentley

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