Pinup wow has to be one of my favorite sites to go to. A description of the site would be something like, “Modern day models shot in a retro pinup style.” I think the site illustrates that not all porn has to be crass. This is stylish and also proves that having a certain coy tastefulness can also be seductive, even more so than hardcore sites.
Look at that gallery and tell me it doesn’t turn you on. Everything about this makes me go wild, a french maid, stockings, a slow striptease. I’m totally in love with this site and I have been since it first started. If you like OnlyTease you’ll love Pinup Wow.
Desirae Spencer is absolutely the hottest milf on the internet. Whenever I see pictures of her I automatically think that she’d be the type of milf that would seduce you just by saying hello.
Her body is nothing short of amazing looking and as a man you hope that every woman ages like this because it’s as close to perfection as you can possibly get. I’ll be the first to admit that I have a thing for milfs and Desirae Spencer is just like the queen of all milfs. If you had to explain the perfect milf to someone you would show her picture and not have to explain anymore.
If you were walking by this girl on the street would you think she did a porn shoot? Probably not, because she’s cute, good looking, but she just doesn’t look like she’s going to be showing her titties to the world and that’s what makes her hot.
Through my years of being a porn webmaster I’ve come to the conclusion that some of the hottest porn is with women you wouldn’t expect being naughty. Amateur wives, milfs, and everyone else you wouldn’t expect getting naked for the camera is doing so and it’s hot.
I shouldn’t say she’s ordinary looking, because she’s not. She’s cute, don’t get me wrong, she’s the type of girl you would take home to meet your parents. However, because she’s done some nudity on the web, it makes her that much more desirable, well, at least to me.
I would honestly say that a girl like this does it more for me then the typical pornstar with huge fake boobs. Onlytease has a lot of girls like this, girls that you wouldn’t think instantly of a porn shoot.
What is it about the French Maid uniform that drives most men crazy. I over analyze everything, so bear with me, but I think it has something to do with every man’s desire to have a beautiful subservient woman that is under their employment.
Gee, that doesn’t sound to politically correct, but fuck it all, it’s a porn blog and I’m going to say whatever comes to mind and that also happens to be the truth.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a maid, secretary, or employee, there’s just something appealing about a woman being in that situation where they’re not in power. I know it’s wrong or at least that’s what society tells us to say, but the reason why there’s so many different kind of uniform fetishes is the fact that men like this scenario.
The modern male has been emasculated, so much so, that even when they agree with something that sounds chauvinistic they feign outrage. We’ve all been in that situation where we’re with friends and suddenly the chauvinistic pig of the group will suddenly become Gloria Steinem to impress that chick that’s sorta liberal.
I’m not saying it’s right and if there’s a feminist reading this blog please excuse the honesty, but if your boyfriend wants you to dress up as a maid, realize he’s just acting out a fantasy of dominance.
Okay, enough psychobabble, lets look at this beauty from OnlyTease:
I used to have a blog dedicated just to stockings and lingerie. Somehow I just gave up on a lot of things over the years but I wish I had that one back because I really enjoyed posting to it. Most of the times it would be just, look, babe in stockings, but hell, I enjoyed it.
If you see me posting a lot of stocking striptease it’s because I have a lot of galleries made up for that site and I thought, “Why not!”, especially since I did enjoy them in the past. Image coming home to this beautiful babe all dressed up in lingerie and stockings and having her strip for you. Ah, Onlytease certainly knows how to pick them.
Honestly, I know I have a problem when it comes to Red XXX and I don’t really want to solve the problem. Yeah, so I like this model, I like seeing her naked, and I like posting about her. Unlike most of those pantywaists that are like, “wahhh, I have an addiction” I embrace my addictions because I enjoy them.
I’m actually not sure why people are so willing to give up their addictions just because they go against the social norm. I enjoy porn, I enjoy Red XXX, why should I be ashamed of it? I have a feeling that as long as you earn money from your addiction it somehow legitimizes it. Like the guy who’s an alcoholic, if he’s just an alcoholic people will be all up in his business, but if the guy started a million dollar micro brewery, how many people would complain?
I figured out a long time ago, as long as you’re making money, and it’s legal, no one gives a shit about your addictions, well, unless it’s those really religious types, but who cares about them not liking you. My tip for anyone suffering from addiction: Find a way to make legal money off it and then no one will care about your addiction.
Damn, I dole out porn, and I give helpful advice. No wonder people are actually starting to visit this site.
This is a little random rant and I’m going to use Red XXX as the example. I’ve posted a few times about Red XXX and how hot she is, but it’s more because she knows her own sexy. Years back before she had a website of her own, she was featured on a few other websites, some of the shoots were hot and some not. I can almost bet that the failed shoots had someone doing the “directing” and didn’t let Red do her own thing.
That’s a lesson we should all learn, that there isn’t one type of sexy, that you have to discover your own brand of sexy. I see it all too often, women getting older, and still dressing like a slutty teen. No, it just doesn’t work, and often it’s kinda scary looking. Exploring what makes you sexy is something that you should spend some time on, because it isn’t what the media tells you. The media in general has this very narrow focus on what they say is “sexy” and a lot of the times I find it, umm, not sexy at all.
However, I’m rambling now instead of posting some awesome porn. Here is Red XXX and yes she knows her sexy.
I remember years ago going to a concert and this woman was in a mini skirt dress that looked like painted on rubber. My god did she jiggle in all the right kind of ways in it. All the women that saw her was like, “What a slut” and they’d turn to their significant other and they’d have to agree.
Men know other men though, and they might have been all shocked to their wife or girlfriend, but they were really thinking, “Walk by me again and jiggle some more!” Here’s a truth about men in general, we are animals, there, when a woman calls you an animal, just acknowledge it and embrace it because it’s true. Even if I’m in a committed relationship that doesn’t mean if a fine piece of ass is walking by in next to nothing that I’m not going to notice it.
This trip down memory lane is brought to you by OnlyTease and this photoshoot of a sexy blonde in an evening dress that reminded me that going out, getting dressed up, might have the perk of seeing a fine looking woman barely dressed.
I really should make a section on this website that’s titled, “Surprise” because there are just so many porn shoots that go this way where the model somehow looks somewhat surprised they’re naked. I mean it can also be playful nudity, I’m sure that’s the look they’re going for and this model at Suburban Amateursis trying to show. However, I always think of “Surprise” I’m naked.
Now she’s a hot little amateur and I’m pretty sure she’s done this for a boyfriend at least once in her life where she’s stripped erotically and yeah if I imagine that scenario this photo shoot is very hot.
I wonder if real life secretaries are even close to the OnlyTease secretaries? I mean is it like all hot women in stockings? I haven’t worked in an office exactly, I’ve worked some crappy jobs, some banking jobs, but there was never really any secretaries. This is like a big life mystery to me whether or not there’s actual secretaries like this or if this is wishful thinking on the part of porn sites.
I know this model, or at least used to know this model’s name but that memory is long gone. I think she’s appeared also on femjoy, I’m sure I’ll come across more of her galleries, because I absolutely had a fetish towards her.
Enjoy the gallery and if you are a secretary and you want to take some dictation….see, this is why I couldn’t have a secretary, I would get brought up on so many sexual misconduct thingies I would be in HR none stop.