One thing about Twistys, they feature a lot of one off models, I mean the type of model that will only do their site and then not do another one or never really become huge in porn. Twistys is kinda like Playboy in that regard, they get models that do one nude shoot and never again.
I have a thing for redheads or auburn colored hair. She really looks like a natural, she’s probably not, but at least she didn’t go clown redhead (mind you I don’t mind that either, I have issues).
This video of her, looks to be the only one on the site, so, not sure if she’s another one shoot wonder, but what a shoot it is. Enjoy.
Okay, in real life the girl next door is never this hot! In my entire life, I’ve never lived next to a really hot girl next door. I’m starting to think the saying is a little flawed, but it does suit Ariana Maria.
I guess it has to do with innocence maybe? I’m not sure but I want to take her to the prom or something, wait, what? I mean, she’s the type of girl you would do those girlfriend type things with and plotting how you’re going to have sex with her the full time.
Wait, I just noticed, she’s also got small nipples…like, the kind you would find on some anatomically correct doll or something. Oh well, she’s still crazy hot in that, umm, girl next door sorta way.
If it’s unique looking, I’m interested, and Sammi Tye got like the smallest nipples I’ve seen in porn. Tiny is an understatement especially since Sammi has nice sized boobs, but then these tiny nipples. Wait take a look first:
She’s very hot, but if I were dating her and we were just about to have sex and I saw her nipples for the first time, they’d distract me, in fact, I know I’d have to comment on them, because I couldn’t just leave it alone. Would I say enough for her to go, “Fuck you, I’m leaving!” and I’ll be honest here, I might.
I have to say the Tiny nipples are growing on me, damn, she is hot, hmm, maybe I would be able to shut up and not comment…nah, I never shut the hell up.
As you see by the last post I have a thing for British women and I was having a moral dilemma on which British model I should post about tonight when I came to the conclusion, “It’s my blog, I’ll post two tonight!”
I’ve been a fan of Brooke Little for awhile now, first saw her on the site OnlyTease, but she has a certain charm, umm, boobs, that I remembered instantly.
I have this thing about looking at a pornstar and thinking what celebrity they remind me of. I kind of think there’s something to be said about one person becoming a pornstar and having the stigma attached with it and how celebrities, many that have done excellent porn nudity in movies, are revered.
Brooke Little reminds me of Bernadette Peters, I just came to this conclusion a few moments ago, but yep, she does.
I find British women sexy. There, I said it, I admit it, a lot of people in the porn industry will mock me for that statement. The thing is British women aren’t typical looking for porn, they don’t have the fake tits, the spray on tan, the type of woman you see and go, “Yeah she should be in porn.”
I’m of the opinion that this realism, this more natural look, is more appealing to me. Either that or I had a thing for Mary Poppins when I was growing up and now you see the results of that manifesting itself in my love for British women. Whatever, lol, I don’t think that’s the case because I just pick these models based on thumbnails and later find out that they’re British, so there!
Twistys only had one video gallery of her, which kinda sucks, because I wanted to see more but I’m too lazy to find more. I think I might do a second post tonight because I saw another model that I absolutely adore.
I was having a nice bowl of cereal before bed, just drank down the milk from the bowl…mmm…and all I wanted to do is go to bed. At that moment I realized I was going to skip posting for the night. Hell, okay, so I’m out of bed and I’m picking a random model.
Keisha Grey, you have been selected, now lets take a look at you:
She’s cute hot, that’s right, kinda like, she’s so cute, and hot, all at the same time. Tattoos, meh, I’m personally not a fan, especially since everyone has them now and they generally don’t have a really important meaning. Granted, it doesn’t matter all that much. She looks like that actress, shit, I gotta look the name up now, Eva Mendes, but not quite, kinda like if Eva Mendes had an impressionable younger sister that you convinced to do porn.
Anyway, I completed this task for the day and now I can go to sleep.
I’m a novice again and I’m picking out girls to post just because I like the way they look, not how many other guys want to see her, but I figure I’m pretty ordinary and I’m bound to have similar tastes in hot women as the average guy.
Looking through a large list of thumbnails I came across Samantha Bentley, never heard of her, but that’s my own fault for not keeping up on models, not necessarily her own level of fame.
I think the reasons for picking her out is obvious, but ultimately I liked that sexy smirk she was giving. Too many models look like a deer caught in the headlights. Samantha Bentley actually looks like she just enjoys nudity, sex, pornography. Don’t get me wrong, there’s something appealing about the flip-side of a girl being shy and doing it anyway, but sometimes just refreshing to see someone that enjoys it.
Here’s a video gallery of that photo shoot above: Video Gallery
One thing about Twistys, they have really pretty looking Dildos. Granted if I were a woman I would use anything to get off, but gotta admit, if I wanted to feel like a pretty pretty princess I would find out the company that makes those and buy one.
I wanted to know a little more about Samantha Bentley and sure enough she has a blog:
First things first, her blog makes me feel bad that I’ve put so little effort into this blog, but hey, I’ve just started again and I need to build up my consistency before I worry about being pretty. See this is the pretty dildo vs. finding whatever you have that will fit.
Anyway, she’s kinda got goth black hair now and reading a little more about her, my first impression of her being comfortable doing porn is accurate. Check out her blog, there’s lots more galleries and content there and you get a better feel for why she named her blog BadBentley
I’ve been away so long that most of the models that I loved are retired. How depressing is that? I’m trying to find some new favorites and I have to say it’s not all that easy. I think I’m suffering from some sort of, “Pornstars from my age were hotter!” type syndrome.
Going through Twistys recent models though Emma G caught my eye and it’s mainly because she has a more sophisticated look than what I’ve currently seen and she is very hot because of it.
See, that’s what I consider hot. Emma kind of has that naughty secretary look about her, umm, what I mean to say is I can easily think up some scenarios with her that makes her an awesome looking model.
Anyway, I still totally suck at blogging, but whatever, I’m hoping by the time I have some viewers I’m better.
I wasn’t going to post and right before bed I remembered, doh, I promised myself I would post once a day. Since I’m not particularly randy and don’t really feel like looking at porn, I just wanted to get this off my chest, Alektra Blue always kinda scared me. There I said it.
Here’s the deal, she’s hot, there’s no doubt about that, but she has this look on her face that she may cut off your wang while you were sleeping if you happened to piss her off.
Am I wrong? Probably, but women are generally irrational. You can piss off a woman and you don’t even know what the hell you did to piss them off. Now, add a unknown quantity of danger to a woman’s look and you may just end up with your favorite body part cut off.
Okay, there’s my lame post for the night. Enjoy to the one person that’s viewing this, and that would be me.
Alexis Texas is probably the only white blonde woman that would ask, “Does this make my butt look big?” and actually hope for the answer, “Yes, yes it does!”
She’s a beautiful girl, but lets face it, her ass is her most famous ass-et (See what I did there).
Alexis Texas would be hot even without the gravitational pull of her ass. I mean she kind of reminds me of Kate Hudson. What, you don’t see it? Stop looking at her ass for a moment and concentrate on the face….there you go. Let’s be honest though, that ass is a force of nature. I can’t stop looking at it and I’m not even an ass man, that’s the type of ass that would make you an assman.
I’m just going to throw in some more galleries now and stop typing: